

Internal communication is the cornerstone upon which every company is built. It is the system that holds the company structure stable through the development and integration of a shared corporate culture. The structured, organized and clear process and methodology of internal communication enables your company to effectively manage its daily business, the dissemination and the adoption of growth targets, but also the possible impact from planned or emergency changes in the operational landscape.

Using specialized tools *aea delineates your strategy and designs tailor-made, internal communication programs strengthening inter-company bonds to ensure the constant and consistent flow of information which will contribute to safeguarding and improving your company’s efficiency and productivity.

Mission-Vision Definition | Employee satisfaction surveys | Corporate Culture Assimilation program | Corporate Workshops| Inter-company Events | Design and Implementation of employee campaign | Design and Implementation of Intranet Portal and other tools
Mission-Vision Definition | Employee satisfaction surveys | Corporate Culture Assimilation program | Corporate Workshops| Inter-company Events | Design and Implementation of employee campaign | Design and Implementation of Intranet Portal and other tools